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Recently, the 7th Heilongjiang Provincial College Student Art Exhibition concluded, with NEFU achieving remarkable success by securing two first-place awards and three second-place awards among its five artistic works. Notably, the original short play “Choice” clinched first place in the collective drama category and has been recommended for the national exhibition.

Since the beginning of this edition of the College Student Art Exhibition, NEFU has been thoroughly preparing, ensuring that the submissions deeply embodied the essence of NEFU culture and reflected the vitality of its youth. Among the entries, the short drama “Choice”, adapted from the life story of Xu Xiujuan, China’s first environmental martyr and an NEFU alumnus, garnered first place in the collective drama category. The instrumental ensemble “Joyous News Reaches the Border Village”, brimming with youthful passion and festive scenes, earned first place in the collective instrumental music category. The scenic dance “Youth on the Saihanba”, illustrating NEFUers’ commitment to the Saihanba spirit, received second place in the collective dance category. The recitation “Pursuit”, portraying NEFUers’ challenging journey at the onset of their entrepreneurship, achieved second place in the collective recitation category. The choir performances “Joyful Snowflakes” and “PULSE”, exhibiting the youthful vigor of NEFU students, secured second place in the collective vocal music category.

The College Student Art Exhibition, held every three years, is the most prestigious, expansive, and influential college student art event in the province. The theme of the 7th Heilongjiang Provincial College Student Art Exhibition was “Fostering a Deep Connection to the Nation, Cultivating a Spirit of Advancement.” The event aimed to showcase contemporary college students’ alignment with the times and the nation, their embrace of national sentiments, and their vigorous pursuit of dreams. A total of 1,357 works from 61 colleges and universities in the province were selected for the event.


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