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On May 18, the world celebrates the 48th International Museum Day, themed “Museums as Agents of Education and Research,” highlighting the vital role of cultural institutions in providing comprehensive educational experiences. To join this global celebration, the China (Harbin) Forest Museum, in collaboration with the School of Home and Art Design, is hosting a special exhibition titled “Craftsmanship in Inches: The Ancient Chinese Luban Ruler and Ancient Furniture Artifacts.”

This enlightening exhibition features over 200 items, including rare Luban rulers from the Qing Dynasty, furniture models from the Ming and Qing Dynasties and earlier, and Ming-style furniture created by Professor Niu Xiaoting. It’s a journey that showcases the aesthetic, structural, technical, and artistic beauty of ancient Chinese furniture and highlights the millennia-old tradition of Chinese ruler culture. The exhibition, in its essence, is a preservation of the spirit of craftsmanship and promotion of Chinese woodworking culture and traditional furniture art, showcasing the university’s achievements in nurturing innovative furniture design talents.

This exhibition is the first in the “Showcasing Forest Culture, Supporting Double First-Class” series and is part of the “Forest and Grass Science and Technology Week” activities. The China (Harbin) Forest Museum is committed to science education and cultural promotion, presenting the university’s “Double First-Class” achievements to the public through exhibitions and other initiatives. With the strength of NEFU, the museum contributes to the development of Heilongjiang.

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