Recently, NEFU’s SCI journal, Forestry Research, received significant recognition in the academic publishing field, further underscoring its growing academic impact.
On December 19, the "2024 Case Studies on Promoting High-Quality Innovation and Development in Scientific Journals" results were announced. Co-organized by Xinhua News and the Chinese Association of University Science and Technology Periodicals, the event recognized a video submission titled "Focusing on Forestry Frontiers and Harnessing Talent to Accelerate the High-Quality Development of Forestry Research." The video was selected as a "2024 Case Study for Enhancing the International Impact of Scientific Journals."

On December 20, the China Academic Journal International Citation Annual Report, jointly produced by CNKI and Tsinghua University Library, released its 2024 list of "China's Most Internationally Influential Academic Journals." Forestry Research was honored for the tenth consecutive year in the Top 5% of the "Most Internationally Influential Academic Journals (Natural Sciences and Engineering - English)." With an International Citation Communication Index (ICCI) score of 140.599, the journal advanced 61 places from the previous year to rank 78th overall and first among Chinese forestry journals.

On December 24, the 2024 edition of the World Journal Clout Index (WJCI) Report, jointly developed by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China and other organizations, was officially released. Forestry Research retained its position in the Q1 category, ranking 9th globally among 93 forestry journals. With a total citation frequency (JIA) of 5,283 and a WJCI score of 3.195, the journal also ranked as the top forestry journal in China.

In recent years, NEFU has prioritized the development of high-quality academic journals and has been committed to establishing world-class publications. The editorial team of Forestry Research stays at the forefront of forestry research, focusing on interdisciplinary and emerging fields. The team continuously improves content quality, enhances editorial standards, expands dissemination channels, and actively increases the journal's international visibility and impact. According to the latest Journal Citation Reports (JCR) release in 2024, Forestry Research achieved an impact factor of 3.4, ranking 9th globally among forestry journals and firmly within the Q1 category.