Recently, Department of Human Resources and Social Security in Heilongjiang province announced the list of the 2017 provincial leader talent echelon infrastructure grant. Forest Genetics and Breeding Department was successfully selected and received 200,000 yuan funding, which is the first time Northeast Forestry University won this project funding. The academic leader of leading talented echelon is Professor Yang Chuanping, and reserve leaders are Wang Yucheng and Gao Caiqiu.
Provincial Leading Talent Echelon is a focus of Heilongjiang province to bring together high-level industry professionals and provide support to key industries. Centering on economic and social development, funding for infrastructure projects will focus on supporting provincial echelons that make outstanding contributions or play an important role in promoting the development of Heilongjiang province.
After all the echelon application, school recommendation, expert review, online publicity and other procedures, 2 echelons received 200,000 yuan funding and 21 echelons received 100,000 yuan funding throughout the province.