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TheNational Radio and Television Administrationrecentlyannounced the list of 2021 supportingprojectsforpublic welfare ads.The audiowork:Are you there? I'm busy,createdbySun Chengbo and Jiao Yuting, with the guidance ofGong Liming,a teacher in theadvertising majorof the NEFUSchool of Law, won the award of third type support.NEFU isthefirstuniversity in Chinato earn the award.It is the best embodiment of the competitiveness of advertising majors in ouruniversity.

The work describes the different responses received by mothers when they call for artificial intelligence devices and their sons. When calling artificial intelligence devices, the mother hears sweet sounds such as “I'm here” and “I feel so good to hear your voice”; When calling her son, she can only hear the hang-up of the busy line on the other end of the phone. The two groups of sounds form a strong contrast, highlighting that filial piety is not only to teach parents how to use artificial intelligence, but also toaccompanythem more.

It is understood that in the evaluation of provincial supportingplan, the two worksAre you there? I'm busyandLooking back on a hundred years of party history, paying tribute to Ma Xuwere selected into the first and second categories of the plan respectively.

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