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To strengthen friendships through sports, from June 17th to 18th, the Chinese-Russian University Men’s Volleyball Friendship Tournament kicked off at NEFU’s gymnasium. Attending the opening ceremony and watching the games were Liu Shouxin, member of the university’s party committee and vice president; Nokin, vice president of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Russia; Podgorsky, team leader of Belgorod State Agrarian University, Russia; Gursky, team leader of Far Eastern State Agrarian University, Russia; Yang Song, director of the Sports Department of Heilongjiang University; Ma Yibing, vice dean of the School of Physical Education and Training of Harbin Sport University; Li Yuting, general manager of Harbin Leshi Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. and representative of the Russian Quality System in China; Guan Dapeng, director of the Sports Department of our university; and Wang Bo, dean of the NEFU College of International Exchange.

In his speech at the opening ceremony, Liu Shouxin stated that China and Russia were connected by mountains and rivers, making them good neighbors, partners, and friends. This year marks the 75th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Russia, and the two heads of state signed a landmark joint statement. Sports exchange and cooperation are specific reflections of the further deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Russia. Therefore, the timing of this Chinese-Russian University Volleyball Friendship Tournament is perfect.

In his opening remarks, Nokin, vice president of Stavropol State Agrarian University, expressed gratitude for our university’s warm reception and the high level of organization of the event. He underscored the enduring and solid friendship between China and Russia, which had fostered bilateral exchanges, cooperation, and joint development.

During the tournament, athletes from six universities in China and Russia showcased their excellent skills, seamless teamwork, and spirited fighting spirit. Their performances were a testament to their youthful vitality and striving spirit. They embodied the sportsmanship of “friendship first, competition second” through their actions, adding an element of excitement and energy to the event.


Liu Shouxin presents the championship award to Belgorod State Agrarian University.


Nokin presents the second-place award to Stavropol State Agrarian University.


Guan Dapeng presents the third-place award to Northeast Forestry University.


Li Yuting presents the Friendship Awards to Far Eastern State Agrarian University, Heilongjiang University, and Harbin Sport University.

This Chinese-Russian University Men’s Volleyball Friendship Tournament used sports as a medium to promote exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Russian universities effectively. It deepened mutual understanding and trust, strengthened friendships, and laid a solid foundation for more extensive and profound exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Russian universities in various fields. The success of this tournament paves the way for future collaborative initiatives, fostering a stronger bond between the two nations.

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